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© Gareth Bentley/WWF 2015

In Namibia’s dry landscape, water is vitally important, and sustainable water use is a big challenge.

Why does it matter?

Fresh water is one of Namibia’s most constraining and precious natural resources. Many places in Namibia, including settlements, towns, farms, and business enterprises rely solely on ground water supplies (some of these being fossil waters).

Namibia’s cities also rely on groundwater supplies that sometimes augment constructed dams capturing seasonal water from sporadic rainfall runoff. This means that Namibian society, including many of those tourism enterprises that are critical to the wildlife economy, are using water that is not from natural and/or sustainable sources and it is thus critically important that water-use be as efficient as possible. 

© Gareth Bentley/WWF 2015
What WWF is doing

WWF is examining the issue of climate change and freshwater at a strategic level in support of Namibia’s current and future needs.

We are working with our partners in the Zambezi Region and KAZA on a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Kwando River, one of the most pristine rivers in Africa, a status which we are determined to help Namibians protect. 

WWF supports the MEFT and conservancies in their efforts to have the pans in the Nyae-Nyae Conservancy proclaimed as a Ramsar Site, a wetland of international importance.