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© Gareth Bentley/WWF 2015

Financing for the future

Did you know?

The costs of financing conservation continue to rise and are now estimated at US$1000-2000 per km2.  

© WWF-Namibia
Why does it matter?

Increasing demands and shrinking budgets are the realities facing conservation.  Government-run protected areas face ever decreasing budgets, the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating to tourism, a major source of funding for conservation, and changing western sensitivities have resulted in anti-hunting campaigns and sanctions on trophy hunting all of which are impacting the bottom line.  The challenge of paying for conservation, rooted in the global and local economy, is outstripping support, threatening our ability to consolidate gains and expand to create an even greater impact. 

© NACSO/WWF Namibia
What WWF is doing

WWF is driving Wildlife Credits, a home-grown payment for eco-system services that rewards conservancies and individuals for their proactive protection of wildlife and biodiversity.  Pilot projects have had positive impacts on lion, elephant and black rhino populations and the communities who share their land with these animals.  

WWF is helping conservancies and their joint venture lodge partners negotiate and manage contracts that are fair and equitable to both partners. 

WWF is exploring options within the “green and blue economy” to assist rural Namibians in building economic opportunities that are sustainable alternatives to more resource depleting industries.

WWF is piloting the 4Returns framework focusing on inspiration, social, natural, and financial capital in the Zambezi Region to accelerate landscape regeneration for people and nature.

WWF is working with the Enduring Earth team to secure funding for Namibia for Life (N4L), a Project for Finance Permanence that will provide sustainable long-term financing for extension services, socio-economic development, and payment for eco-systems services in support of Namibia’s communal conservancies.